My love affair with Tahitian Pearls continues

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2014 could definitely be described as the year of Tahitians for us. We were fortunate to find a few amazing lots of dark peacock drops and colorful rounds, some of the most amazing Tahitians I've ever come across in sizable, workable and graded lots.

We also had a lot of fun with Tahitians, working with a new type of baroque Tahitian pearl and getting creating with harvest strands. I don't know how many of those harvest strands I made in September and October but it was a lot.

As some of my friends and clients know, this year I am keeping my eyes out for lighter, yet still colorful lots. While dark peacock Tahitians are the most valuable of all, I've gotten a lot of requests for lighter drop strands and pastels so we are on it!

The first drop lot in was smaller than I had hoped, so most of the strands are multis, but I think we're on the right color-track :)

Drop multicolor Tahitian strands1

multicolor Tahitian pearls

When I picked up this lot there was also another lot available in a shape of pearl that I haven't done whole lot with in the past but decided I shouldn't let this lot pass up. The pearls are slight ovals to semi-baroque, all A and A/B grade (which translates to AA+/AAA and AAA for us) in great colors.

The resulting strands appear round, but that slightly off-round shape cuts the cost dramatically and adds the extra curvature that results in those extra colorful overtones.

Oval Tahitian pearl strands

I love Tahitian pearls!

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