Heading to the June Hong Kong Jewelry Fair

We are leaving for the June jewelry show in Hong Kong tomorrow, June 18th!

If it seems like Hisano and I were just in Hong Kong at a show, it's because we were, just this past March. The March jewelry show is one of the large shows, while the June show is Hong Kong's smallest. Although small, the 2012 show featured more than 1,700 exhibitors for 36 different countries and attracted more than 25,000 buyers from around the world. This year shouldn't be much different.

Before each show and/or trip to Asia we compile our 'Waiting-for-Pearls' list. This is a collection of special requests for certain pieces and styles of pearls that we don't normally carry, or that are simply hard to find. The longest list we have is of our friends awaiting more of those white metallic drops that sold out in a day. We are hoping to find a lot more of them.

If anyone does have a special request not yet on the list, please email me directly, Jeremy (At) PP.com. If we've already left, send a message to anyone on the team and they will get the request to us. I can't promise we'll fill every request, but I promise we will try!

The registration hall at the Hong Kong jewelry show can get quite crowded

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